Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Current Events

I have to admit I'm not really "up" on them.

I listen to NPR on the drive in, which consists of a half hour or so of Michigan Radio's morning program including the Marketplace and Environment reports and a half hour or so of "Newshour" from the BBC. This means I usually hear absolutely nothing relevant to what other people are talking about on a daily basis, although I do know quite a bit about the Six-Day War now. The podcasts I download don't help (Wait, Wait - Don't Tell Me; Science Friday; and RadioLab). We don't have cable anymore, so I can't get my hour of news and snark via Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.

What's a busy mom to do? I've tried watching Headline News at lunch, but people come in and go "Ughhhhhh, are you WATCHING this? Millionaire is on!" (seriously), so that's out. We don't subscribe to any newspapers, although that may be the most cost-effective solution.



Anonymous said...

You could always visit Michigan Radio's website and listen to (or read) the national and state stories you missed during your commute.

Stephanie said...

I just read the headlines at KDKA, the Pittsburgh CBS station, via a feed. I also get headlines from the more local newspaper on my Google homepage, along w/ national news, international news, etc. on my Google homepage.

Cindy said...

You could just go through life with your head in the sand, like I do. We don't have cable and all but one tv is broken, so I never watch the news. The only headlines I catch are on MSNBC.com when I open up my web browser.

Rebecca said...


I just discovered your blog through googling...I was also an AmeriCorps doula, in Denver. I didn't know they had some in Michigan too, that's fab! If you want to talk any more about it, my e-mail is rcostello .AT. gmail (all the weirdness to disguise that from spammers).

Anonymous said...

News feeds of MANY web sites. I usually start my day on CNN and some cdn news sites...

I'm a news-whore, so I'm always watching or reading something.